I Met an Alien

23 March 1998
Diaz Hendropriyono
Northfield, VT

Many people do not believe whether Alien exists. The governments, of any country, seems to have kept its existence or sightings a secret as many demand to know the truth. Well, at least i am fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to know the truth by having seen one.

One night, a few years back, my sleep was disturbed by the hubbub of voices outside the house. Wanting to know what was happening, I opened my eyes. The clamor of voices seemed to be getting louder; my room was filled by a very bright light. Then, I heard steps coming towards my room. A heavy object leaped through the window shattering the glass.

Along with a buzzing sound, I saw a grotesque creature. I jumped off my bed in consternation. This creature emitted the worst odor I have ever smelled. I thought I had just detected some feces. It had an asymmetrical round head. Its ears did not resemble a human’s. The nose did not look like a human’s either. Its straight and small nose seemed to be overwhelmed by its big head. The mouth was unimaginably tiny. It made me think that the creature did not have one. Its neck, which was probably as scrawny as the arms of the deprived children in Ethiopia, stood approximately 30cm from its body. The huge head did not seem to have enough support from its neck. Thus, the creature’s head appeared to be wobbly as if it were about to fall down or come off.

As I hesitantly positioned myself in front of this heinous-looking freak, I saw its many eyeballs, which looked more like beads floating around in a disorderly fashion, in its round shimmering red eyes; they, at once, stopped as soon as its head faced me. These numerous “beads” began to shine lights through its eyes towards me. What I had in my mind was that it must have been aiming at me, as if it were about to shoot me with its probably much more advanced and sophisticated weapon than we have in this universe.

There were only three fingers on each of this being’s hand. Each of these fingers was much longer than a human’s. The arms extended further down, like those of a Chimpanzee’s. The two arms looked emaciated. They seemed to have neither elbows nor joints; yet, they could bend.
I could not really estimate how tall it was since it did not stand straight; it always bent over. Its body looked very gaunt, very much similar to rocker Marilyn Manson. As it was in my room, it kept bouncing as if it had a sense of buoyancy.

In terms of clothing, it seemed that it had not followed the latest fashion in New York: it did not wear anything. Its body looked as if it were smeared in lotion and seemed as if it had been polished. The combination of the yellow and white color of its body gave me the illusion that it was wearing clothing.

Like its body, its long and as-thin-as-its-arms legs had never stood straight. The two protruding knees reminded me of a person suffering from goitre. Both of its feet were much longer than humans’ feet. I did not pay as much attention as to how many toes it had.

After gawking at me for a few seconds, it attempted to demolish me by hopping towards me with its two hands in the air trying to grab me. Still in fright, I evaded its attack. I could not think of trying to counter its assault since I was in a panic.

Its movements were very fast. All of a sudden, it had its left hand seizing my neck. Somehow, its right hand’s fingers turned into scissors, exactly like the hand of Edward Scissor-hands. With a nimble movement, it cut my T-shirt revealing my chest. As it advanced with its right hand towards my countenance, I screamed as loud as I could. I, then, began to keep a distant from it after it let go of my neck. I threw my first punch right on its face. It did not look hurt. There was no change in its facial expression, except for its eyes: they turned green. The whirring sound began to get louder and louder, as an engine about to spurt and eventually blow.

My feeling of dread grew stronger as I heard more steps coming towards my room, realizing that more of the creatures were coming. Abruptly, the door was kicked open. I saw my mom and my maid at the door. Both of them gaped in shock looking at me in my bed. I saw the window was not smashed. I realized at once that I just had a nightmare.

My mother approached me and asked me, “What happened to you?”

I told her, “I just met an Alien!”